Do I have to be in the NOW?

Do I have to be in the NOW?

Stay in the NOW? OK, don’t think about the future, don;t think about the past. But what if I want to manifest sommething? Don’t I need to think in the future to manifest something. And planning.  If I am planning my work week, scheduling appointments....
Passive Aggressive and the Solar Plexus Chakra

Passive Aggressive and the Solar Plexus Chakra

In the spiritual community, NO is a word to be avoided like the plague The greatest spiritual downfall of the new-age community is the near collapse of the solar plexus chakra. It results in so many of the worst behaviors in this community because people are unable to...
Stop Blaming Yourself : The Anxiety Reflex

Stop Blaming Yourself : The Anxiety Reflex

  This is all part of the anxiety reflex. The gripping nerves that tie your tongue, halt your action and lock you up in indecision are the ‘gifts’ of the anxiety reflex. The idea that anything that goes wrong is immediately your fault. No matter who...
Miracles Factory: a case study.

Miracles Factory: a case study.

I want you to think for a moment just how many saints there are? One for every day of the year, right? Maybe 4…. The Vatican has has 1700 listed currently. Though this does not count for the orthodox church or for the equivalent in other religions. Now that is a...